As a parent one of the most important concerns in a child custody dispute is the health and safety of your child. Regardless of the outcome of the case, it’s essential to make sure that your child is being taken care of in the best possible way.
The health and safety of your child should be the primary concern in any custody dispute. This means that you must make sure that their physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing is being taken into consideration. Whether you are merely suspecting that a person is neglecting or harming a child, or you know this for a fact and are seeking proper documentation and evidence of the person’s behavior for court purposes, we can help.
Child custody cases can involve several issues relating to the well-being, health, and safety of a child. Some of the common issues we investigate include:
Unlike the investigation of domestic infidelity, where observing a certain behavior once is typically all that is required for a client’s court case, child custody cases typically require that evidence be collected over a period to show a pattern of neglect or misconduct. It can also be important for us to focus our efforts at times when the offender has possession of the child, instead of when they do not. This can be especially difficult for our clients to deal with as they must often allow the adverse behavior to continue for a period of time. However, from an investigative standpoint, it is crucial that the offending parent be given the opportunity to the inappropriately activity or activities, so that their actions may be observed and properly documented.
If you are considering hiring a private investigator to help you gather evidence for a child custody matter, we strongly suggest that you consult with a local family law attorney to ensure that what you are planning to document will be helpful to your case in a court-of-law.